Nestled on the edge of the South Downs National Park, Wisborough Green exceeds all expectations of village life.
I am a relative newcomer, (not quite four years) to this vibrant, inclusive and thriving community and yet I cannot imagine living more happily anywhere else. There really is something for everyone!
In the heart of the village the green hosts numerous events and sporting activities. The familiar sounds of summer pervade the village as the clatter of wickets and, “howzats” ring out! Take a cup of tea from the café opposite the green or a beer from The Cricketers or Three Crowns pubs and it’s a lovely way to spend an afternoon. Then there’s the roar of the hot air balloon burners at sunset or sunrise as they set off across the countryside and the whoops of delight from children enjoying the Annual Summer Fair. Later in the year the less dulcet tones of the football players and supporters’ cheers fill the autumn air.
There are clubs and societies to entertain and educate us all! From Art to History and Horticulture, Short Mat Bowls to Womens Institute and Wildlife, you can even learn to fly a Spitfire in the village Spitfire Simulator Club!